E-Panui August 2006                                                                                    E-P # 3

Issue 71Mana Magazine
August-September 2006 Issue 71

In our latest issue of Mana magazine we find out how actor Benjamin Mitchell went from being Mr New Zealand to Shortland Street’s latest heart throb - Dr TK Samuels. We also look at the Street’s Maori characters and ask how they are faring now that the popular Hudson whanau have gone?



Archbishop Whakahuihui Vercoe has made big headlines for being both a ‘radical’ and an ‘anti-gay’ bishop. Lloyd Ashton’s warts and all profile shows us the humanitarian behind those headlines.





Starting the first New Zealand website for surrogate parenthood propelled Lorinda Robinson from Taitokerau into the national spotlight, especially when she announced that she was pregnant with the genetic child of a Pakeha couple. While she’s now pulled back from the media frenzy, she was more than happy to update her story with Mana.


Editor Derek Fox recently travelled to Vanuatu with a New Zealand delegation where he saw a form of ‘rangatiratanga’ in action, functioning alongside the conventional parliamentary government with no apparent difficulty. You’ll find his fascinating report in this issue.






Children’s Commissioner Cindy Kiro is one of our leading campaigners in the fight against child abuse. She explains why the law that allows parents to use ‘reasonable force’ to discipline their kids should be abolished.




We also have a series of stunning photos from the secondary schools regional Kapa Haka finals in Hamilton and there’s a wealth of stories about our people in business, health, education, the arts and sport.

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