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E-Panui June 2010                                                                                   E-P# 26

Mana Magazine Issue 94Mana Magazine
June - July 2010 Issue 94

Tena ano koutou

At 66, Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia is busier than ever. the nation's most powerful grandmother is about to launch one of the biggest shake ups in the social welfare system for decades. Mana talks to Tariana about her life inside and outside of Parliament which has led to the creation of Whanau Ora.



Pint-sized surfer Sarah Mason (15) became the stuff of legends when she defeated world champion Steph Gilmore and then went on to beat local icon Paige Hareb at the Taranaki women's surf championships. We background this incredibly gutsy teenager as she surfs her way to international stardom.



Another future international star is Nga Puhi youngter, Thomas Spragg. This talented schoolboy footballer has already come to the notice of Premier League scouts with a trial for Britain's Aston Villa and a standing invitation to trial for Arsenal. It seems that the world game is finally waking up to Maori talent in the beautiful game!






Miss World New Zealand, Cody Yerkovish (18) has big plans for the rest of this year. We talk to her about the excitement of travelling, her win - and her really bad hair day!







In her role as programmer for Maori Television, Carol Hirschfield reveals her plans for an ambitious prime-time programme - an in-your-face look at the issue of child abuse.





In the drought - stricken Far North we find groups of youngsters who are discovering the art of the maara garden. Coaxing food out of tough land and learning how to feed the whanau are skills they're honing to win the Manawhenua Challenge.



It's our Matariki issue, so check out the food and festivals happening for this special time of year. And check out too our selections from the bookshelf, new music, travel stories, and much more in Mana, New Zealand's leading Maori current affairs, lifestyle and heritage magazine.





Mana 94 is on sale from 27 May.



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