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E-Panui September 2009                                                                            E-P# 22

Mana Magazine issue 90Mana Magazine
October - November 2009 Issue 90

Tena ano koutou

It's 15 years since we last interviewed Rena Owen. Back then she was on the brink of fame for her role of Beth Heke in the award-winning movie Once Were Warriors. Currently in New Zealand from her Hollywood base to play the challenging role of Aroha in Bruce Mason's classic play, The Pohutukawa Tree, Rena took time out to renew her acquaintance with Mana and share some of the highs and lows of her busy life after Beth.



Also US-based is student Adam Ruri who has just done a stint as an intern for a Republican Senator on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. He tells us what it was like to be so close to the running of a superpower.





We mourn the passing of weaver and artist Diggeress Te Kanawa with a moving tribute from her family and through them discover more about the legacy of this humble woman who kept the traditional art of raranga alive.





Aroha Hathaway talks about her new role on Marae DIY and how it has helped her to focus on becoming more involved in Maori broadcasting.







We also reveal a few surprises from television host Jordan Vandermade ...and we find out why Liz Adams is the $7 million dollar woman on TV2's new series, The Cult.






Church College in Hamilton has had many famous Maori and its roll. They include All Blacks, entertainers and even a Miss New Zealand. Now this iconic school is about to be bowled into the ground and a former student tells the whys and wherefores of this controversial Mormon Church decision.




In Mana Kai we've gone big on mussels with some mouth-watering recipes and a chance for readers to win one of a 100 mussel product giveaways. We also look at what's best to eat before, during and after exercise.





And we feature an extract from Patricia Grace's latest book Ned & Katina - a remarkable and true love story between a young Maori Battalion soldier and a Greek schoolteacher.



Mana is New Zealand’s leading Maori lifestyle, current affairs and heritage magazine.

Mana 90 is on sale from September 24.



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