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E-Panui July 2009                                                                                      E-P# 21

Mana Magazine issue 89Mana Magazine
August - September 2009 Issue 89

Tena ano koutou

In this issue we get the inside story on a gang of women who worked, lived and partied hard together alongside the Black Power, Mongrel Mob and Nomads in Wellington 30 years ago. And we find out where these gang women have got to in their lives today.




We track the rise of the Green Party’s spirited new co-leader Metiria Turei, and get her thoughts on issues that affect Maori.





Selling kids’ sparkly shoes from Italy has turned into a thriving business for an enterprising couple from Whakatane. We find out how they do it.





There’s an intimate portrait of acclaimed children’s writer /illustrator Gavin Bishop, who shares the stories of tracing what turned out to be a huge whanau in the North Island.






We meet the young Maori ice skater who is our great hope for the Vancouver Winter Olympics next year, and profile a promising young pianist from Taranaki.






In Mana Kai we’ve got some great tips that’ll have your kids eating up their veges and asking for more! And our fishing expert Bill Hohepa has some new ideas about how to get fish begging to be on the end of your line.








These are just a few of the heaps of stories and giveaways in this our latest issue. Mana is New Zealand’s leading Maori lifestyle, current affairs and heritage magazine.

Mana 89 is on sale from July 30.



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