E-Panui June 2006                                                                                       E-P # 2

Issue 70Mana Magazine
June-July 2006 Issue 70

In the latest issue of Mana magazine, close family provide an intimate portrait of the late, legendary Wi Kuki Kaa - one of our great Maori actors and a man of huge intellect and wit. Even at his tangi it seems that Wi Kuki had the last laugh.


Derek Fox talks to the first Maori ever to be appointed as chief of Defence Forces and finds out just what makes our most senior millitary officer tick.





We've got a story that may come as a bit of a surprise to our readers about the first airman to ever win a Victoria Cross. Although he wasn't born in New Zealand and never lived here, this playboy daredevil had Maori whakapapa.




We profile an intrepid Ngati Awa women who regularly travels to India to live with a band of near-naked holy men.




Tobacco warriors Shane Bradbrook and Hone Harawira outline their battle plans for ridding Maori of the scourge they say is killing a culture and making huge profits out of Maori lungs and lives.




There's a stunning series of photos of the celebrations for the Maori Queen Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangi Kaahu as she begins her 40th year as head of the Kingitanga. And of the easter reunion in the beautiful Hokianga of the few remaining veterans of the Maori battalion.

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