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E-Panui August 2008                                                                                  E-P # 16

Mana Magazine issue 84Mana Magazine
August / Sept 2008

Tena ano koutou

In this issue we celebrate some big victories.

With Election Day 2008 looming, which boxes will you tick? Our cover story asks leading Maori politicians from five parties why Maori should vote for their party.


Journalist Qiane Corfield-Matata packed her laptop and camera and flew off to the 2008 Festival of Pacific Arts in American Samoa. She came back with some awesome photos and a report which captures the flavour of this unique arts event.

Speaking of flavours, check out our Mana Kai section for some great Pacific recipes.





The story of Te Puhi Tatu who grew up in Rua’s community at Maungapohatu is told in Vincent Ward’s new film Rain of the Children. We talk about the movie and also have a story from one of Puhi’s mokopuna who writes about the Nanny she knew and loved.





Any inspiration or motivation you may be lacking to get fit for summer should be fired up by our stories of three gutsy women who compete in extreme sport. Lisa Tamati, Dezma McGregor and Beryl Rogers tell why they go beyond endurance for the love of their sport.




We meet Timana Tahu, the Maori Aboriginal athlete who has switched codes to join the Wallabies and find out why so few Aboriginal players play rugby.






What’s all the fuss about This Horrid Practice, historian Paul Moon’s new book on cannibalism? Maori historian Buddy Mikaere has some ideas about this.

We preview a new book Terror in our Midst? a series of reflections about last year’s police raids on Ruatoki.





As usual there are heaps of giveaways and more good reading in this issue of Mana - New Zealand’s leading Maori lifestyle, current affairs and heritage magazine.

Mana 84 is on sale from September 25.



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